Fourier Art ئاپەکان

Mandala Art
Fourier Art
Paint your abstract mandala with a uniquedesign using math!"Mandala Art" allows you to create an unlimited number of circularshapes by using very simple and intuitive controls. It is also apainting tool that allows you to paint the abstract shapes and savethem into your personal gallery. The application also allows you toselect the order of symmetry of each geometrical design.Circular shapes in art are known as mandalas, and have been usedthroughout the world for self expression, spiritual transformation,and personal growth. In this application, mandalas are generatedusing a mathematical algorithm based on Fourier series, which are aspecific type of mathematical series involving trigonometricfunctions. This interaction between math and art is known asFourier Art ( ).Features:* Unlimited mandalas* Original controls and symmetry selector.* Painting tool.* Different palettes and color picker.* Save images (PNG, 800x800 px)* Pinch to zoom in and zoom out.* Contains ads.
FourierArt - GIF 1.11
Fourier Art
Create beautiful animations of circularshapes,and save them as GIF.Circular shapes are generated using Fourier series,whichare a specific type of mathematical series involvingtrigonometricfunctions. This interaction between mathematics andart is known asFourier art ( ).
Mandala Contact 1.1
Fourier Art
Las fotos por defecto "tipo letra" deloscontactos en los teléfonos Android son muy aburridas. LosMandalastambién, pero por lo menos son algo más bonitos... A faltade fotosde personas reales, pongamos mandalas pues.El Mandala se genera automáticamente a partir del númerodeteléfono, con lo que una misma persona siempre tendrá asociadoelmismo Mandala.Nota: Evidentemente esta aplicación sustituye las fotos deloscontactos por otras nuevas. Una vez sustituidas, las antiguas nosepueden recuperar, así que... pensadlo bien antes de darlealbotoncito!Nota 2: Es una primera versión, hecha muy rápida, se cuelgaaveces... Ya la mejoraremos.Photos default"lettertype" of contacts on Android phones are very boring.Mandalas too,but at least they are more beautiful ... A lack ofphotos of realpeople, say it mandalas.The Mandala is automatically generated from the telephone number,sothat the same person will always associate the sameMandala.Note: Obviously this application replaces the contact photoswithnew ones. Once replaced, the old can not be recovered, so ...Thinkabout it before giving the little button!Note 2: This is a first version, made very quickly, hangssometimes... I beat it.